

Access to information in the XXIth century!

Open Up!

Open Up! is a project of Open Knowledge Sweden that helps public organisations to publish open data about their purchases and any other actor that wants to reuse it.

Wikidata Sweden

Build and reuse the biggest knowledge database!


A non-profit ridesharing movement


Better decision making meetings online.


Build your own measuing station for air particles

OpenStreetMap Sweden

OpenStreetMap creates and supplies free maps.


Digital and local carbon budgets as a cloud service to municipalities, regions and their inhabitants

Din Riksdag

How will we create laws in the future?


With FixMyStreet Platform you can easily launch a website that helps people to report street problems.


Which organisations lobby your government the most?

change course

change course is an education for changemakers;

Family dinner and civil courage

How can we help more people to be able to take a stand by simple means?

Open diveristy data

Site to publish diversity data of organisations


A friendly Linux community for everyone

Who owns the city?

Visualization of who owns the metro stations of Stockholm.


A software for co-created culture.


An open source ridesharing and public transport bot


Free cloud services for social movements.

Smarta Kartan 2.0

The Smart Map aims to make it easier for the people of Gothenburg and visitors to the city to live sustainably by encouraging community, new meetings and access rather than ownership.


A website by Allt åt alla Göteborg to keep track of tenancy prices and acknowledge conflicts with landlords.

The LGBTQ map

An interactive map where LGBTQ persons or allies can review places based on their accessibility for LGBTQ people.


Start designing an open-source sharing/gifting platform to be first implemented in Gothenburg!

Foodsaving platform

Karrot is a sleek and user-friendly open source tool where people can coordinate pickups to save food from being wasted and to share it freely.

Open Food Network

The open source platform that enables new, ethical supply chains.

Little Brother

DFRI are currently working on a crowdsourced translation of Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother into Swedish.


A digital platform for place- and plan dialogue


Digital support for work rehabilitation