change course

change course is an education for changemakers; individuals who feel that there are issues in the world which require immediate attention, and are ready to take action.

Are you one of our 18 aspiring changemakers, crazy enough to think you can reform the world? (You can.)

change course is an education for changemakers; individuals who feel that there are issues in the world which require immediate attention, and are ready to take action.

Our mission is to provide the dreamers of today with the tools they need to solve the problems of tomorrow. Some say that dreaming is dead and that the days of great explorers have passed. We say that the dreamers of today have a responsibility and that dreaming has never been more important. There are problems in front of us, some so overwhelming that many choose to ignore them, but for those who dare to dream of solutions, no mountain is too high to climb.

Two intense years

change course is comprised of two stand-alone years of full-time studies. This means that you can follow the full two-year program or take either of the two years independently – whatever suits your wants and needs.