Hackathon #1
Start designing an open-source sharing/gifting platform to be first implemented in Gothenburg!
Gothenburg needs an open-source gifting/sharing platform! Thousands of people are already sharing and gifting at give-away groups on Facebook or other smaller websites that are based on closed systems of classified ads, such as However, none of these tools have a nice user experience nor the features for sharing both within closed groups (say, among friends or within an organization) and sharing openly with the public. There is no open-source alternative out there for this type of sharing economy to reach its potential.
Skills required
During this occasion we’ll try out different design methods and evaluate existing tools, and we’ll work mostly on design and user experience. People with this particular background are most welcome, but also backend and frontend developers for consultation and to start playing with code (there’s an ambition to build from Karrot’s backend). People who are already engaged in gifting and sharing practices using existing tools are also invited for this participatory design process.
This project is an initiative of people with know-how in local sharing groups and is supported by officials in the city of Gothenburg and The Gothenburg Region Association of Local Authorities who are interested in seeking finance for its development, in order to promote a more sustainable use of resources.
Bruno Chies
As a co-founder of Solikyl, Bruno has brought Foodsharing to the city of Gothenburg and now he's into digital tools that can boost the gifting and commons economy locally and internationally.
Agnese Priekule
During her studies in design, Agnese joined the Foodsharing movement in Gothenburg and aimed to explore how design thinking, tools and methods could be used in the activism against food waste. Now she is looking for new ways on how the concept of sharing could be spread further and deeper, and how design can help it happen.
Amina Kadribasic
Amina sees herself (or is) an interrogator of design challenges, a facilitator of creative processes, and most importantly, a citizen of the world, dedicated to the issues of sustainability and inclusion. She likes to teach design thinking methods and tools and work on social projects that bring value to society.